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Yale University Press
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About the Complete Digital Edition
The Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition website is packed with elegant and innovative features that help you to explore the book’s ideas and experiment with color the way Albers intended.
Read beyond the original text
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Read, highlight, take notes, and view glossary terms from the online reader.
Easily navigate between text, commentary, and 122 of the original edition's plates.
Take notes, highlight text, add bookmarks, and share links to chapters.
Get definitions of key terms with an embedded glossary specific to Albers’s teaching.
Easily zoom into plates for more detail.
Study the plates as never before
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View plates with their associated commentary. Interact with over 60 plates.
Inspired by Albers’s teaching methodologies, each plate is designed to reproduce the experience of working with cut and colored paper.
Zoom into plates to get a closer look at scans of the original silk-screened plates.
By moving the "pieces" of the plate, see how the same color can look different when shown on different grounds.
Create, share, and save your own exercises
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Create your own version of interactive plates.
Place color swatches into the design; easily change and refine color selections in your customized plate.
Share your designs with friends, classmates, and instructors.
Open and reuse the downloaded SVG file in your favorite design software.
Gain a deeper understanding through video commentaries
Videos of scholars, designers, and Albers’s former students discussing the text and plates.
Albers’s most challenging principles are explained and clarified.
Archival audio and video of Josef Albers leading you through special exercises.
Additional resources to support learning
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Watch archival video of Josef Albers in the studio and classroom.
Hear Albers’s students describing his teaching style and specific lessons.
Learn from practicing artists, designers, and architects as they discuss how they use color.