Individual access
How do I purchase access to the Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition?
Individual users can purchase access to the website and all its content by clicking on the "buy now" button on the home page. After purchasing access for $24.99, you will be able to view the full text of the book, all the plates, and the supplemental video content. All sales are final.
How is this website different than the paperback version of Interaction of Color?
The Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition includes the same chapters as the paperback, but features 60 additional plates (bringing the total to 122). The website also provides the ability to zoom into plates, add highlights and notes to the text, access in-text glossary terms, watch plate video commentaries, view additional resource videos, experiment with interactive plates, and to create your own versions of the original plates.
I am actually looking to buy the paperback, where can I find it?
The Interaction of Color 50
th Anniversary edition paperback can be purchased directly from
Yale University Press.What is a plate?
Each plate represents an example exercise that reproduces the illusions and perceptions created by color interactions as described in the text. Many of the plates were made by Albers's students.
How do I create my own version of the plates?
You can create your own version of select plates to attempt to achieve the effects that Albers describes in the text. Look for the color palette logo or the "Create" tab when viewing the plates. You can also filter for "interactive plates" on the List of Plates page.
Where can I see a list of all the video commentary?
You can filter for "video commentary" on the List of Plates page to view the plates that have related video commentary. Just click on the plate you would like to see and the video will appear under the "Commentary" associated with the plate.
Since every device screen is different, will I be able to see the color effects within the plates?
Yes! Although screen calibrations are different, the color relationships will be relatively constant, enabling you to see the "color deception"—as Albers called it—on your device.
Institutional access
My institution has a subscription, but I don't seem to have access to the site?
If you know your institution provides access to the Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition website, but you are unable to access the content, please check that you are accessing the site within your institutional VPN. You are logged in appropriately if you can see your institution's name on the home page. Please make sure to clear your browser cache after you log in to your VPN.
Your A&AePortal institutional access is the same for the Interaction of Color website. Users with A&AePortal accounts can use their same credentials to access the website. All users must have an account to use the Interaction of Color website.
On campus users:
•Sign in using your A&AePortal account credentials or create a new account.
Off campus/remote users:
•Log in to your institutional virtual private network (VPN)
•Sign in using your A&AePortal account credentials or create a new account.
If you have trouble logging in, please clear your browser cache and close your browser. Next, open a new browser window and try signing in again. If you need further help, please contact us at
How can I order institutional access for my school?
The Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition can be purchased as an add-on to your A&AePortal subscription. Please contact
support@interactionofcolor.com to request more information.